Меню для смартфона
Private jets


Medium size jets are designed to perform regional flights of up to 4 hours for small groups of passengers. Hot catering and flight attendant services are possible on these jets. Ideal solution to escape overcrowded passenger terminals and travel according to your route and schedule.
  • 6 - 8 seats
  • 4 hours
    Flight Duration
  • 1.75 meters
    Cabin Height

Private Jet Subscription

Our package for frequent travellers allows for cost savings on flights and offers completely transparent pricing.
3 Flights
A subscription plan for the organization of 3 flights within 3 months.
€ 2,000
5 Flights
A subscription plan for the organization of 5 flights within 5 months.
€ 3,000
7 Flights
A subscription plan for the organization of 7 flights within 7 months.
€ 4,000
Medium size private jets area a category of private jets that offer optimal balance of size, passenger capacity and cost for regional flights for small groups. Here are some key characteristics:
Passenger cabin for 6 – 8 seats
Flight range around 4,500 kilometers
Cabin height 1.65 to 1.75 meters
Baggage space for 9 – 10 mid-size suitcases
Fully enclosed lavatory with sink and running water
Small kitchen area with oven and on some models a refrigerator
Flight attendant service is possible
Why Fly with Vector Jet?
  • We Save
    Time and Money
    Leveraging our expertise and a rigorous internal quality control system, we offer the best and most dependable choices from hundreds of alternatives for your journey.
  • Personal Manager Available 24/7
    Once your flight is confirmed, you will have a personal manager assigned who is on hand around-the-clock to handle all queries regarding your flight.
  • We Offer Solutions
    Need to depart at a moment's notice? A complex or unusual request? We propose solutions and arrange your travel even under the most challenging conditions.
  • Stress-Free Pet Travel
    We organise flights with pets to various destinations, ensuring you and your pets can enjoy a stress-free experience together in the passenger cabin.
Explore Destinations with Vector Jet
Explore our directory, your portal to the globe's cities to visit. Start your tailor-made adventures with us today, where sophistication and ease seamlessly converge.
Experience legendary nightlife and beaches
Immerse yourself in rich history and modern energy
Discover historic charm and breathtaking Alpine views
Unwind in coastal beauty and charming old town